About Us

Launch Control is all about making Vehicle Animations accessible for artists using Blender. Drawing from combined experience in Automotive Advertising and Design, the team is dedicated to build the best solutions on the market for Studios and Manufacturers as well as Individual Artists offering both the highest quality and easy-to-use tools and assets.

Since the start of development of the Launch Control Animation Tool, Mondlicht Studios have been a great help for the team, offering advice as well as using the Animation Tool in thier productions. Sven and Daniel from the team are both artists working for the studio. A warm Thank You to Mondlicht Studios for their support!

Daniel Vesterbaek

Creator and Developer

Automotive Artist gone developer. With over 8 years of experience working in CG at Cadesign Form and Mondlicht Studios, I apply everything I learned into the tools we are creating at Launch Control.

Sven Giera

Digital Artist

3D and Automotive artist with a combined 6-7 years of self-taught and professional experience. Since the beginning of Launch Control, I have been a creative partner, helping shape it into what it is today.

Julian Florea

Freelance Designer

Freelance Designer currently studying design in Cologne, Germany. Every day, Iā€™m inspired by the creativity and energy of the community, which drives me to push boundaries and bring ideas to life.

Ready to Elevate Your Automotive Art?

Join the world of Launch Control today and unleash your creative potential in the digital realm.

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